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CXRS Compact X-Ray Reference Standard

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CXRS Compact X-Ray Reference Standard


The compact x-ray reference standard CXRS has been developed to accommodate the need from many users and service engineers. With the CXRS they are able to calibrate and test performance of their EDX or WDX systems without the need to buy an expensive standard. Another application is the ability to perform simple EDX/WDX analysis with standards for training purposes for novice users and customer training schools. The standard materials for CXRS are especially selected to comply with ISO certification.

This particular CXRS has been especially developed for a range of EDX systems (Mn, Co), light element EDX analysis and ED/WD system combinations. Ideally it should be supplied with every EDX/WDX system.

The CXRS has a diameter of 18 mm and a height of 6mm and is mounted on a " sample stub; this ensures accommodation by any SEM.


The CXRS contains:

High purity elements: B,C,Al,Si,Ti,Cr,Mn,Fe,Co,Ni,Cu

Compound element: SiO2

Reference Element: Inconel 600 alloy

Option: Faraday Cup in C-Std.


Copper is used as an outside ring to give stability and easy handling. All the other standard materials are embedded inside this holder ring. The embedding material is highly conductive (no charging) with excellent stability in high vacuum (no degassing). To prevent oxidation and ensure the conductivity of the SiO2, the CXRS is coated with a high quality thin film of carbon.

In the unlikely event of damaging the standard, repolishing can be easily performed because all standards are in the same plane.


Please note: The drawing just shows the element configuration, it doesn?t reflect the real size and looking of the standard and the element material.




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